Subject-Verb agreement

Understanding verb-subject agreement What are verbs and subjects? Verbs are action words. For example: eat, sleep, talk, walk, do, buy are all verbs. Subjects are the person or thing who are doing the action of the verb. For example:                I eat. The dog sleeps. George talks a lot. They walk to work. The subject … Read more

Listening. University conversation

Listen to the conversation between 2 people about studying at the Open University in the UK  Remember to listen to paraphrasing and idioms, and accents. This is a sentence completion exercise.   Answers. 27.  motivation 28. time management 29. modules 30. Summer school.

IELTS Listening. Diagram completion.

For this part of the test you will see a diagram with different elements which need to be labelled. The technique for this part of the practice is to focus on: 1. What the diagram is about (but not for too long). This way you can try to predict possible answers and also at the … Read more

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